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Minggu, 28 September 2008

Tips membentuk otot badan free ebook download

saat saya menulis ini saya sedikit malu karena otot badan saya sendiri masih bisa dibilang masih perlu untuk melakukan berbagai hal agar otot tubuh membentuk. saat ini di umur 22 tinggi badan saya 170cm dan berat badan saya 70kg(pas habis makan, paling biasanya sekitar 68kg an) tapi ga papa siapa tau artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

berbagai macam alasan orang ingin membentuk otot tubuh mereka, salah satunya adalah karena agar cewek cewek tertarik. oleh karena itu biasanya pergi ke tempat fitness(dan planga plongo disana). berharap badan bisa berubah setelah pulang nya, dan karena ga kunjung membentuk juga para pemula biasanya langsung mengambil jalan pintas dengan membeli suplemen yang instan. mengambap setelah minum suplemen badan langsung berbentuk. apa benar? sebenernya suplemen hanya mendukung saja, yang intinya sih makanan yang kita konsumsi setiap hari jadi pola makannya yang teratur dan alami, (namanya aja suplemen = penunjang!).

orang yang karena merasa badannya kurus ingin menambah berat badan dan membentuk otot. ada lagi karena merasa gemuk ingin dia kurus dan berotot sampe berjuang mati matian membusng lemak. ( "yah namanya olang" selalu merasa gak puas!).

ok nih pada dasarnya supaya perjuangannya (fitness membentuk badan) gak sia sia, mendingan makan yang bener baru dah gitu suplemen.

masalah suplemen sendiri cukup beragam dan yang laris karna terjangkau harganya yaitu asam amino. amino merupakan hasil cerna dari pada protein yang kita makan kemudian menjadi semacam benteng penahan (building blocks) bagi otot kita. nah lo dari situ bisa diambil kesimpulan kalau otot kita sedikit maka membutuhkan amino yang sedikit dan apabila otot kita banyak maka amino yang dibutuhkan semakin banyak. oleh karnanya perbanyak mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung protein.

waktu yang cocok untuk meminumnya biasanya sebelum dan sesudah latihan fitness dengan jumlah 3 butir sebelum dan 6 butir sesudah,   lalu sebelumtidur dengan jumlah disesuaikan banayknya otot kita (6 - 10 butir). tapi ada baiknya makan daging dan telur atau kalau punya duit beli susu protein. selamat berjuang........... kaya jaman 45 aja!!!!!!!

Download free ebook tentang pembentukan badan klik

Kirim email

posted by rudis temple at 21.03 0 comments

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

al quran palsu

Al-Quran Palsu” Buatan Amerika Beredar di Milis
Denpatrol Online - Sabtu, 27 September 2008
© Denpatrol Online
posted by rudis temple at 12.33 0 comments

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Top 10 SEO Tips For Website Success

The Top 10 SEO Tips For Website Success
By Matt Bush

Today I would like to share with you my top ten list of things to make your website more SEO friendly.

1. Do proper keyword research: This is invaluable! Make sure that before you build a site, you figure out exactly what kinds of keywords you will want to target.

2. Use header tags: This is a chance for you to tell the search engines what you consider to be the most important phrase on your website.

3. Use italics and underlining to further emphasize your keywords.

4. Use proper keyword usage: I try to use my main keyword about 2% of the time. Don't overdo it!

5. Have a smart navigation structure: Make it as easy as possible for the search engines to get around your site, have lots of internal links

6. Use contextual links: Do everything you can to streamline your visitors through your site, and push them towards your products.

7. Get as many high quality links as you can: This is incredibly important, links can make the difference in a high ranking website.

8. Encourage visitor interaction: create some polls, reach for feedback, anything you can to involve your visitors.

9. Update content regularly: No one likes a stale site, keep it fresh

10. Branch out: not every venture is going to be incredibly profitable. Be sure to spread out your "eggs", and once you start making money, put more resources and time into making even more profit.

Search engine optimization really isn't that hard, and many people don't even do it. I hope that you have enjoyed my top 10 SEO tips.

Be sure to check out Matt's free video series " 5 Killer Techniques for Free Traffic " It will show you how to generate an endless supply of traffic to your website, for free!

Matt is an experienced internet marketer, and runs I.M. Matt Bush, your source for the latest internet marketing news and techniques.

Email me here! (kirim email)

posted by rudis temple at 00.59 0 comments

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Rahasia Google

Google ada rahasianya looo! Ada yang tau? Mungkin blom banyak yang tau hihihihihi….Ini rahasia yang dimiliki google (try it out...!)

Buka dahulu...kemudian:

1. Ketik “googoth” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google yang gelap dan ala² gothic. (this is one of my favorite tapi buat mase skarang under maintenance)

2. Ketik “ewmew fudd” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google dengan teks versi tokoh Elmer Fudd dari Warner Bros.

3. Ketik “xx-klingon” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan google dengan bahasa suku Klingon.

4. Ketik “google bsd” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon bsd.

5. Ketik “google linux” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Coba perhatikan ikon google yang biasa menjadi ikon linux.

6. Ketik “google easter egg” pada kotak teks, kemudian klik “I’m Feeling Lucky”. Kita akan dibawa masuk ke penampilan mesin pencari google dengan sebuah game menangkap easter egg, dimana kita sendiri boleh menggerakkan rabbit itu.

gimana seru kannnnnnnnnnn!
posted by rudis temple at 16.44 0 comments

Kamis, 11 September 2008


1. download photoshop cs3 trial version, install

2. download photoshop cracker, extrack

3. copy photoshop cracker

4. go to:
start menu,
my computer,
local disk c,
program files,
adobe photoshop cs3, click paste.

5. now go to start menu, all program, and open photoshop.

6. go to help, you can see the ( registration) word is not active, it mean you are registered.

7. enjoy it
posted by rudis temple at 16.35 0 comments

How to change office 2007 trial version into full version

How to change office 2007 trial version into full version

Because I have done the process already,so I can't really perform it to you.

1.Get Office 2007 trial version from and install it.You need to get the product key first. url:

2.After you install it,Remmember to activate it.It is recommended to do so.

3.Open regedit (start-run-regedit),and goto" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Of fice\12.0\Registration\90120000-0030-000 0-0000-0000000FF1CE (something like that...) "

3.In the right panel,delete "digital product id "and product id ".Don't delete the wrong things.It may cause unpredictable damages.

4.close regedit after you did that. goto run and type in " %systemdrive%\program files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en "

6.Open proof.xml as notepad.

7.scroll down to the bottom and you should see something like this:
now,change the lowest "alwaysinstalled " into "neverinstalled "


8.Save the changes and close.


And I hope you can done it ; ) harap hati hati ketika melakukannya karena bisa ber akibat fatal yang tidak saya tanggung.
posted by rudis temple at 00.50 0 comments

Selasa, 09 September 2008

fungsi sebuah blog

apasih fungsi dari pada blog?
ketika kita melakukan sebuah kegiatan berupa blogging, maka blog akan memberikan spirit kepada kita dengan sebuah alat yaitu blog untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang orang yang berada di seluruh dunia. dan sebagian orang menganggap dengan melakukan kegiatan blogging bisa mengubah kehidupan mereka karena blog yang mereka produksi bisa menghasilkan uang atau meng uangkan blog mereka(monetize). lalu apa sebenarnya fungsi dari pada blog?

1. blog sebagai tempat atau alat untuk berkreatifitas.
2. blog sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi.
3. blog sebagai tempat untuk belajar atau sebagi bahan pelajaran.
4. blog sebagai tempat untuk menuangkan ide.
5. blog sebagai tempat hiburan.
6. blog sebagai penghubung antar teman.
7. blog sebagai sumber berita.
8. blog sebagai alat untuk mempengaruhi orang
8. blog sebagai tempat berdagang, berbisnis
9. blog sebagai alat untuk menghasilkan uang
10. blog sebagai tempat untuk pengontrol topik pembicaraan atau issue.

jadi pada intinya blog adalah tempat dimana anda melakukan pekerjaan yang anda cintai dan bisa bersenang senang dan dibayar.
posted by rudis temple at 23.51 0 comments

Senin, 08 September 2008

Download Free Mp3 Music

Download Free Mp3 Music
By Bessie Johns

Websites that charge a small one-time fee, give their members access to software, tools, tips and tutorials that they will need download free mp3 music. The ability to download games and movies is also an option.

Most people like to listen to their music while they are on the computer, jogging through the park, or dancing at a party to their favorite downloaded music. Downloading music in every style and genre to play on your player of choice, burn your own CDs and for use at home, on the road or even for parties are your options. You are able to get the hottest, new unlimited mp3 downloads and have any song downloaded in minutes. The convenience of owning an MP3 player because of its size and the quantity of music that can be stored is quite simply amazing.

Mp3 music format has, and will continue to have, a huge impact on how people get together,listen and share music. Bottom line is that you get a lot more than just unlimited free mp3 downloads, you get a digital media resource that will save you both time and money. With thousand of choices online that are offering this type of service, can be downright confusing. As mentioned earlier, there are many legal mp3 downloads free music sites where you can feel confident downloading your music choices. The really great opportunity that is presented is that you can download those favorite tunes whenever, wherever you like with no time limit.

Another great option you will have is the the ability to download free mp3 music instantaneously and without spending a dime. So I guess it goes without saying, when you have the ability to download millions of mp3 files for a small one-time fee, you will be downloading music online every chance you get.

Have you been looking for a website where you can download free mp3 music? You're in luck:

posted by rudis temple at 23.58 0 comments

How to Download Full DVD free

How to Download Full DVD Movies For Free?
By Davion Wong

It seems that everyone wants to know how to download full DVD movies for free. The issue here is not whether you can find them, since there are probably millions upon millions of download sites that allow you to do so. Just do a simple search at the major search engines for a term like "download full DVD movies for free" and I am pretty sure you can find throngs of those sites. So the issue really is whether they are free.

The sites that provide you with free DVD movie downloads are not all that great to use. You see, there are countless of people like you and me, who complained about the infiltration of unwanted software applications onto their computers. It is not uncommon for computer viruses, adware and spyware to be downloaded along with the movie files.

So, even though you do not pay a single cent for the full DVD movies, you have to contend with the fact that your computer would suffer a slow down in performance, and programs would be affected and your surfing speeds badly reduced. In some cases, the adware and spyware may flash you with unwanted commercial advertisements each time you surf or work with your computer. This is all part and parcel of doing so called free shows. Some of the downloads are also corrupted and damaged and non-working so it can be a total waste of your time.

There are no free downloads, really. But if you want to download full DVD movies without spending a bomb, there is another reliable option. Dozens of services have established a presence online offering you movie downloads for a one-time membership either for a year, two years or for life. The prices do not vary much so most go for lifetime membership. With the membership, you get to download unlimited movies. There is no limit to how many movies you are downloading or when you download.

Other advantages to download full DVD movies at these membership sites is that the download speeds are fast and you do not expose your computer to harmful viruses, adware, spyware and so on.

Many movie enthusiasts are hopping onto these download sites in droves. It is much more convenient and cheaper to do so rather than to buy a DVD at the local mall. If you are keen to find out more about these sites to download full DVD movies, check out my movie blog.

Davion is a self-professed movie lover. He will show you where you can have instant access to unlimited movie downloads - newly released movies, videos, TV shows and more for pennies. Also read another juicy and popular article on unlimited movie downloads.

posted by rudis temple at 23.56 0 comments

How to Publish Your Ebook

Ebook Publishing - How to Publish Your Ebook in the PDF Format
By Fabian Tan Platinum Quality Author

Have you wondered how to create a snazzy PDF to present your ebook on? Most beginning ebook writers are looking for ways to convert their well presented Word document into PDF format. Wonder no more! Here are the steps to publish your own slick PDF files quickly and easily:

Step 1 - Go to and download their Open Office software. It's free of charge! Open Office is a quality alternative to Microsoft Word. And the best thing about it is its PDF conversion functionality.

Step 2 - Install the software and open the 'Writer' program in the suite.

Step 3 - Already written your ebook in Word format? Open it in Open Office!

Step 4 - Look for the PDF icon on the software and click on it to convert your Word document into PDF format! In a few seconds, you will have your ebook in PDF format. It's that easy!

That's it. You can literally go through these steps in less than 10 minutes and have a brand new PDF ready to be downloaded by your subscribers or customers.

There are a few other ways to convert your documents into PDF format. You can buy a copy of Adobe Acrobat or go to Adobe's website to use their PDF conversion feature. You are allowed 5 free conversions.

You can also download free PDF conversion software online, although in my opinion, these are less effective than the Open Office method I showed you. It's quick, easy and no frills! Something you can get started with immediately.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now before its gone!

posted by rudis temple at 23.53 0 comments

How to Set Up an Auto-Responder

on a Website to Build a List
By Stuart Stirling

If you have an online business or you are thinking of trying to start one you should always include an auto responder among your top few must have items. The auto responder is the goose that is going to help lay those golden eggs-or in this case the golden mailing lists. These lists of names and emails are something you must have and it is a bit more work than you would want to tackle by hand. However, using an autoresponder automated the list building process.

What an auto responder does is capture the names and email addresses of anyone that comes to your website. If you don't capture these visitors to build your mailing list you are losing out on one of the primo marketing domination tools of all times. You do not know what may have attracted a visitor to your store but hopefully it was because he was interested in something you had to offer. Maybe you were selling green fish and the prospect likes fish but wanted blue ones. If the prospect wanders out into the vast internet the two of you may never meet when he is in the market for green fish someday-or when you start selling blue ones.

The point is the auto responder will keep in touch with this potential customer via scheduled emails. This keeps you and this customer in touch and keeps your name on the front burner. By this method you ensure that he will think about your website when he needs something from you.

When you sign up for an account with an auto responder service, they will provide you with all of the instructions for set up and you will find them very easy to set up. It's actually a matter of copy and paste to get them working on your website. Then you can edit how your emails are formatted and you can even make sure that your email list does not cross the line into dangerous spamming territory.

Scheduling the emails is up to you. It is your choice how often you want your auto responder to contact your potential buyers. You can even place links in the email offers that you mail. With the auto responder functioning as your office manager your site will be good to go.

You can build a big opt-in list quickly by giving away free rebrandable reports via a squeeze page website. Get your free list building websites here and start building a list while making nice affiliate commissions along the way. Simply download and plug for and it won't cost a thing to get started!

posted by rudis temple at 23.48 0 comments